These packages are designed for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to keep their websites thriving so they can stop worrying and focus on growing their businesses.
Just like your car, websites require ongoing maintenance to keep them in top-notch condition. Preventative care is key to the health and wellness of your website.
Opt for a digital care service today with one of our comprehensive digital care plans.
All plans include “jobs.” These are a set number of tasks and content changes available for your use each month. See below for a description of what constitutes a job. *The packages below are catered to clients who want additional and more comprehensive care for their website.
Some of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to marketing strategy is discussed here.
We are a team of strategists, marketers, copywriters, web developers and engineers who love what we do and we appreciate every opportunity to do what we love doing – producing great work, building lasting partnerships and changing lives for the better in the process.
If you’re a business, isn’t standing out from the competition when you offer the same but better service great? More customers are going to the shop next door but not yours even though you sell the same thing. A larger audience is following a similar business but not yours. These are potential branding problems.
Have you wondered why people pick Nike over Adidas, or Apple over Samsung?
BRAND – it’s what people connect with, trust and perceive as more valuable to them. Branding lets your customers:
Branding is more than logo design. It’s a combination of strategic direction to overcome your problems and achieve your goals. It’s creating messaging and copy for things like your website. And it’s a visual look and feel that includes a logo.
Additionally, your brand can change over time as your business changes. No matter if you’re starting out or changing things up, branding/rebranding is your starting point as it can inform your marketing, advertising, packaging, social media and more.
So if your customers connect more with your competitor, you have a branding problem. We want to help you make your business your customers’ first choice.
Strategy is definitely an over-saturated buzzword in business. It can mean different things to different people. Strategy in this context is 2 things.
The first is identifying and understanding your business problems and goals, to then determine a strategy to achieve them. Kind of like knowing where the goal posts are to aim towards. This may include providing an action plan that could mean an updated brand identity as a solution or maybe a non-branding solution to meet the goal.
The second part to strategy is what we’d call ‘Brand Identity Strategy’. This is a non-negotiable part of the branding process. It helps us understand:
Each part informs a Brand Identity outcome and can be used to refer back to as the yard stick for knowing if we’re hitting the mark. The best part of both strategies are that, there may be facets about your business you’d never even considered and it allows us both to be on the same page. So it’s a big win-win.
Ultimately both parts of strategy form a really useful brief so that we can produce a far greater result for your business. The more you are open about your business, the more helpful we can be. Because we want to be part of your team and see it succeed. A strategy to get us there is simply a great platform to leap from.
If you’re a small business, a branding engagement typically takes between 1-3 months.
This factors in many things, such as:
Our branding process typically involves: