Creative Agency

Revamping how your business looks

and sounds to help you stand out from the crowd. Every concept that we develop is based on our forward-thinking approach, and is designed to bring continual results, instead of focusing on quick wins and vanity metrics. 

Our Creative Approach

Great creative work doesn’t just happen – it’s carefully crafted. We’re able to implement effective strategies for success and use design thinking to build solutions for the future that inspire and engage on every level. We’ll start with your business objectives and develop a creative strategy that effectively positions you within your market and attracts the right audience so you can keep growing. Every brand is different, so no two of our creative campaigns are ever the same


Creative Expertise

We’re uniquely creative and strategic thinkers, always ready to challenge a brief and do things a bit differently. Ronel’s experienced and talented designers, copywriters, and content specialists will help you to create a strong, engaging presence online.

Whether you’ve got an initial concept or you have no idea how to best position your brand, we know the next steps you need to take. By leveraging the diverse skills of our in-house experts, we create fresh ideas and turn them into powerful creative tools that drive success in both digital and traditional applications.


Future Focus

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving, and we know that it can be hard to keep up. Our specialists live and breathe creative marketing, and they never stop learning new ways to make your campaigns better.

We’ll make sure that your business is at the cutting edge of digital trends without compromising on flexibility for the future. With a focus on creative campaigns that are able to grow and adapt with your company, you know that any project that we undertake is something that you can be proud of.


Honesty And Integrity

Nothing is more important to us than your success, so we’ll do everything in our power to support you and advise you on how to reach your business goals. We’ll never push you into a service that isn’t right for your company, and if we’re not able to achieve something, we’ll say so.

We’re not interested in a quick sell. We don’t do quantity over quality. What we care about is helping clients to grow and achieve their business goals through creative and unique strategies. We give everyone who works with us the respect that they deserve, and this dedication to building relationships that work is why our clients stick with RONEL.

Our Creative Services

Creativity lies at the heart of everything we do. With in-depth knowledge and close to 10 years’ experience across a whole host of specialisms, we can take any project and create something that attracts, engages and converts.

  • Brand
    We help brands to find their identity and make an impact. Whether you need an updated concept or an entire brand from scratch, we’ll create something that’s unequivocally you.
  • Graphic Design
    From simple icon design to offline advertising and packaging, our talented Graphic design team can take your brief and turn it into something eye-catching and informative.
  • UX
    We make sure that everything we create for you is both beautiful to look at and easy to use, providing purposeful and intuitive user experiences that will guide and delight your customers.
  • Video & Photography
    Video has quickly become one of the most powerful marketing tools you can invest in. We help brands to tell impactful, visual stories in a way that demands engagement and gets you noticed.

Creative Training

If you want us to do all the work for you, that’s great. If not, we’re happy to help you to develop the skills of your internal staff, giving you greater autonomy and control over your marketing activities. Think of us as a partner that’s here to support you as much or as little as you need.

Through discovery sessions and workshops, we can help your employees to develop their creative skills to better benefit your marketing strategy as a whole. Delivered either at your workplace or at our main office in Accra, we’ll create a bespoke session that will allow you to get the most out of your in-house team.

More Than Just Creatives

We Are More Than Just A Creative Agency

    Web Design
    Building a first-class website that performs is no easy task. Our team of experts collaborate closely with our web development and SEO teams at every stage of the process. We’re proud to build sites that look good and more importantly, perform.
    Solid technical SEO is the foundation of high-performing websites. We work closely with our SEO specialists to ensure your site meets all of the technical requirements of search engines, including everything from site speed to crawlability.
    Social Media
    Your digital marketing strategy just isn’t complete without high-quality social media accounts to foster engagement. We’ll create shareable content that gets people talking and puts your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds.
    Digital PR
    Upon launch of your website, our PR team can work to raise your brand awareness through press releases and link building campaigns, designed to give your online presence a boost and increase your visibility.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to marketing strategy is discussed here.

We are a team of strategists, marketers, copywriters, web developers, and engineers who love what we do and we appreciate every opportunity to do what we love doing – producing great work, building lasting partnerships, and changing lives for the better in the process.

Unlike other SEO agencies who implement SEO work in isolation, we’re a full-service digital agency and understand that SEO relies on all the different disciplines in order to make it a success: digital PR & link building, content marketing, brand building, user experience, and technical website performance. We develop strategies that look at the whole picture.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But what really does SEO mean and entail? In short, SEO is focused on acquiring website traffic and high search result rankings organically. By organic, we mean without paying for web traffic via pay-per-click ads, among other methods. Within SEO, there’s a wide variety of strategies to accomplish the aforementioned goals—some of which are more effective than others. This could be anything from developing website content around keywords related to your industry to maintaining a strong presence across multiple social media platforms. SEO practices and strategies are constantly changing to remain effective as internet search engines continuously update algorithms.

To answer this question our SEO team would need more information about your business. We can tell you one thing though, from our 5+ years of analysing thousands of SEO campaigns, the biggest reason why most campaigns fail (possibly yours in the past too), is that the company fails to properly assess the amount of work required to get you a great result and ROI. That being said, our SEO packages range from $750-$2500 per month with no-contract.

Yes, you certainly can but it is quite a complex series of activities, including actions within your control and other actions that are usually completely outside your control. SEO experts around the world spend hundreds and hundreds of hours reading and practicing, decoding Google’s black box, to ensure their clients rank higher and higher in search results each day. If you do have the time and patience to invest lots and lots of hours in learning how to build inbound links, optimize meta tags, select the correct target keywords, perfect your content marketing and ultimately improve your search engine rankings, you would certainly be able to get your website ranking on the first page. But if you’d like to focus on what you do best, we recommend hiring an SEO company like ours to handle that for you and get you much quicker results than you would imagine.

Whilst there are specific factors that we work on to ensure your website also ranks in Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines, frankly speaking, Google currently holds 90.1% of the total search engine market share (Google + Google Images), followed by YouTube (owned by Google), Yahoo!, Bing, and Amazon. Our executions taken will ensure that you are found on all types of search engines. The reason why there’s usually a major target of Google is because they are by far the largest and most important search engine with a global share of over 92% of worldwide searches.

To answer this question depends greatly on where you are today, what SEO has been done before, and what your competition levels are like. As a general rule of thumb, most websites on page 2 can be brought to the first page inside 3 months. As for a brand new website, you’re looking closer to 6+ months to get good first-page rankings on competitive keywords. During that time your leads and traffic will increase gradually and regularly, but the big wins are once you hit the top half of the first page.

Generally, more than you could ever imagine. We’ve had clients grow their online sales by 1000% in 16 months, which represented an ROI of over 20X. However, the true value in SEO is that the traffic and leads you acquire last for a very long time.

For example – our SEO specialists did the calculations and a Plumber in Toronto, from a 12-month custom SEO campaign, could receive over 25X their money back in profit over the 12 months after their campaign is completed. Yet in the following 12 months, when they aren’t spending on SEO, their ROI jumps as high as 50X!

[The ROI of SEO varies from one industry to the next. How valuable would it be to your business to come up as the top recommendation when your customers are actively searching for you?
Let’s look at an example. 320 people search for the exact phrase “event venue Denver” every month (not to mention those who search for slight variants, like “event venues Denver”). Being the first result on Google would bring ~110 people to your website every month who were actively searching for event venues in Denver, many of whom had never heard of your brand before. Assuming 0.5% of those people booked an event venue JUST ONCE, this one search term would bring you 6-7 new customers every year.]

Our team of SEO experts will get you to rank higher in searches for the best possible position for your industry with your local area, and flood your business with new organic traffic. Whilst our SEO agency and services will surely help you rank higher in searches and even in put you in the first position for some keywords over time, from our experience doing SEO, it’s better to focus on ranking your business for the right keywords than just chasing number one. If #1 is possible for the right terms, then we’ll give it everything to get you there but no Search Engine Optimization firm in the world can guarantee you a #1 ranking. Google themselves say so. And this is because of a variety of reasons including:
• Only Google knows everything about what’s in their algorithm and what factors they use to rate a site highly, and they themselves do not provide such services, only guidelines.
• The world is changing rapidly and as mentioned, there is always another company out there who also wants the number one spot. This competition means that you can at times be outdone by a competitor who is willing to put in more money or more effort into their rankings.
• Many techniques used by unscrupulous firms are either black hat (outright bad) or grey hat (questionable practices). Whilst such practices might get you ranking high today, it can get you completely banned tomorrow. When Google sees a site ranking in their results using techniques they do not approve of, they can or will issue a manual action or penalty that will completely decimate your position in their SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).
Despite all this, as long as you dedicate a sufficient marketing budget and time with regard to SEO, you are likely to rank very high and continue to rank higher, ideally being the best answer to the questions of your customers.

SEO is much like going to the gym. After working out for 12 months straight, you’re going to be in great shape, and even if you stop for 3 months, you’re going to maintain a pretty good physique. However, over time your results will drop off, and you’ll need a tune-up. The same is true for your SEO. Everything we do is permanent & long-term, however with time your competition may work and out-rank you. If this happens after your campaign ends, simply give our SEO team a call and we will walk you through how we fix it.

If SEO hasn’t worked then one of four things has occurred:
1. You’ve been ripped off by a scammer – Sadly there are a lot in this SEO industry, and if this has happened to you, we’re truly sorry – stopping these people is the reason our team is so passionate about Search Engine Optimization.
2. You were working with a website designer, developer, or marketing agency – SEO is a lot like brain surgery. It’s a very detailed, specific skill set that very few people truly possess. A lot of website design, marketing, or graphic design companies offer ‘SEO’ as a service, however, they are not experienced in the craft. They are good at many things, but you don’t want your logo designer doing your SEO.
3. Your SEO company didn’t know what they were doing – This is much more common than you would think. You see, lots of people start ‘SEO’ companies after watching a few YouTube videos, or buying a $4 e-Book. They think that they can learn along the way, and sadly, they convince many business owners that they know what they are doing when they truly have no clue. SEO is a skill set that takes decades to master and hiring a newbie disguised as a guru will leave you disappointed in your rankings.
4. Your company didn’t do enough to beat the tough competition – If you paid $100, or even $500/month for SEO in the past, then chances are your campaign wasn’t aggressive enough, or have enough effort and resources required to beat out tough competition. As the saying goes, “If you think a professional is expensive, wait until you work with an amateur”.
Our SEO specialists can generally pinpoint with sniper-like precision why your past campaign hasn’t worked in minutes. Our SEO team can look at all of your website statistics and compare them directly with your competitors. Let us show you why your SEO efforts in the past haven’t worked.

No. We do not include our SEO services in our website packages. However, Discovery Strategy precedes all our executions and if from our discovery session, it surfaced that SEO is key to your business’ growth at the get-go, then we will recommend it as part of your solution/website package at a cost.
Secondly, SEO implementation has many different facets to it, not limited to technical, on-page, off-page, and content creation. Though our websites do have a few technical and on-page features either already set or available for you to tweak as you see fit.

Our SEO experts will always be able to help you rank higher than you currently do. Once we are able to make an assessment of your website, we’re then able to provide you with a roadmap of how to proceed and the likely outcomes that you can expect to see. The speed and quality of results you receive are dependent on what time frame is realistic to deliver on those outcomes and how much you’re able to invest in seeing those outcomes.

No. Our SEO team believes that if a company needs to lock you in with a long-term contract, they aren’t confident in their abilities to deliver quality, effective work that will keep you happy with the results on a monthly basis. Although should the client request for it, we can make provision for that.

We know that you’re busy running your business, so our SEO team has made getting started as easy as possible. 1. Contact us for a free consultation. 2. We’ll have a quick chat (over the phone or in person), discuss your SEO investment & our team will send you a quick questionnaire. This generally takes about 15 minutes to fill out, and once it’s done, our SEO specialists will take over and will handle every aspect of your SEO, so you can return to running your business.

You’ll receive a ranking report outlining your website’s progress in the Google SERP results every month. This provides you with certainty in the early months that although you might not be seeing more phone calls yet, that you are indeed growing forward every single week, and that we will get you to the end result that you want and need.

Know that no one can guarantee you to rank #1 on Google.

While many SEO companies guarantee a number-one ranking, Google ultimately makes that decision, and no SEO company has a special relationship with Google. Again, the relationship between a guarantee for top rankings and shady SEO companies is strong enough that Google recommends running away.

Our guarantee is that nobody will work harder to get you the rankings you deserve than our SEO team.

While SEO isn’t dead, over the years, elements of it have either died or evolved into something totally new. As a result, outdated SEO tactics can now actively kill your rankings on Google. Contact us today and let us help you! Our SEO specialists are looking forward to the opportunity to work with you and achieving your goals in gaining organic traffic.

We’re happy to hear that you’re running Google Search Ads already. They are certainly an effective way to leap-frog the competition and get in front of potential customers looking for exactly the products and services that you offer. The only problem though is that if you ever get tired of paying for advertising, all the traffic to your website will dry up in an instant.

Search Engine Optimization on the other hand is an investment into your website. Because as it gets better, over time you rank higher and in turn get more and more qualified visitors to your website all for free. The money invested can continue to reap returns many times years into the future. That’s why we rather recommend that even if you’re running Google Search Ads, you also consider working on your SEO for the long term.

Our best advice here would be to talk to an SEO expert to get their opinion. That being said, a good general rule of thumb is to check your website’s domain authority using the Moz toolbar. In most cases, if your site’s authority is less than 40, you should focus on the Authority side of SEO (i.e. getting more reputable websites to link to you). If your site’s authority is greater than 70, you should probably focus on the Relevancy side of SEO (setting up a proper SEO foundation). If your site falls somewhere in the middle, then do a search for 5 of your biggest competitors, and compare your domain authority to theirs. If your domain authority is higher than theirs, then it’s probably best to focus on Relevancy. If your domain authority is lower than theirs, then it’s probably best to focus on Authority. Struggling to decide which makes more sense? Set up a call with us and we’ll point you in the right direction.