How to Create and Develop Digital Content

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Digital content is everywhere, you cannot skip a click coming across any digital content. A lot of people argue about what is and what digital content is not.  Some people argue that , tit is anything that can be published while others say it is information available  for downloads. Don’t get confused. Here are all you need to know about digital content

What is digital content

Digital content is any content that exists in the form of digital data. Also known as digital media, digital content is stored on digital or analog storage in specific formats. Digital content comes in many forms, from text and audio and videos files, to graphics, animations, images. broadcast, streamed information, contained in computer files, digitally updated weather forecasts, GPS maps, and so on.

Who Creates Digital Content?

Everyone! If social media has taught us anything, it is that we are all content publishers Digital content includes tweets, Facebook status updates, photos, videos, blog posts, audio files, games, and e-books.  If digital content can be said to be any piece of information that is published, that means with every tweet you share, every video you upload to Facebook, and every time you update your blog,  your status, you are taking on the role of a digital content creator.

 Forms of Digital Content

Digital content has increased as more households have accessed the Internet. Increased access has made it easier for people to receive their news and watch TV online, challenging the popularity of traditional platforms. Increased access to the Internet has also led to the mass publication of digital content through individuals in the form of eBooks, blog posts, and even Facebook post samples include:

Video – Types of video content include home videos, music videos, TV shows, and movies. Many of these can be viewed on websites such as YouTube, Hulu, CBS, and so on, in which people and companies alike can post content. However, many movies and television shows are not available for free legally, but rather can be purchased from sites such as iTunes and Amazon.

Audio – Music is the most common form of audio. Spotify has emerged as a popular way for people to listen to music either over the Internet or from their computer desktop. Digital content in the form of music is also available through Pandora and, both of which allow listeners to listen to music online for no charge.

Images – Photo and image sharing is another example of digital content. Popular sites used for this type of digital content includes Imgur, where people share self-created pictures, Flickr, where people share their photo albums, and DeviantArt, where people share their artwork. Popular apps that are used for images include Instagram and Snapchat.

Visual Stories – Stories are a new type of digital content that got introduced by Snapchat. Since then, stories as a format has been introduced in a couple of other platforms such as Facebook and Linkedin. In 2018, Google introduced their AMP Stories, which provides content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories. AMP Stories can be easily built without coding with editor platforms, l

The Future of Digital Content

With so many different types of content available, the question plaguing information experts today isn’t what kind of content to create, but how to deliver it. With the continued popularity of smartphones, tablets, and eReaders, the average consumer now has a variety of options to turn to besides their computer to get the latest piece of digital content. Therefore, to be successful in the digital content realm, content creators must determine the best way to present their digital content to consumers. Maybe it is an ebook. Maybe it is an app. The right choice depends on the needs of the audience.

How a business chooses to deliver its digital content could drastically affect its financial standing. For example, in February 2011, Google made waves in the digital content publishing world when it announced its plan for Google One Pass, a subscription plan that allows publishers to sell digital content on the web and through mobile applications using Google’s existing payment service, Google Checkout. With Google One Pass, Google takes 10% of each transaction, while Apple’s subscription model required 30% of each transaction of digital content, like books, music and magazines within its App Store. With numbers like these, content creators must choose their mode of delivery carefully.

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