Free Social Media Calendar for 2022

Table of Contents

Benjamin Franklin once said “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” it is obvious that best results are yielded from organization and planning and that should be your hallmark this year.

For a successful social media campaign, you need a lot of great organisation and planning. Ronel is providing you with a copy of our customisable social media calendar, and it starts by using it today to build timely and relevant campaigns.

Everyone loves good planning at the beginning of the year. Our social media specialists and marketers have put together a customisable content calendar to make it easier for you to plan and visualise your campaigns, this would help you make sure the right content goes out at the right time and through the right network.

Content Calendars should always be part of your Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Marketing Efforts.

Advantages of using a social media calendar

Planning before time can warrant that your social media activity blends with the rest of your marketing activities and you take a strong stance on important dates that would come up.

We recommend adapting your social posts to each network and audience, and planning out your posts ahead can ensure users have a consistent experience on your social pages. A calendar can ensure that the right tone of voice and content is used on different networks.

Through this, social media can have a real positive impact on your marketing campaigns and help you reach your objectives.

Your social media marketing goals have a key point in common with many of the other goals in your day planner: they take effort and attention every single day. 

Benefits of using a social media calendar:   

  • It would help you create maximum interaction and engagement through updates and promotions that tie in with holidays or events
  • It would make you  more organized
  • It would ensure you post regular updates and content
  • It would make a connection between all the social media platforms you use so you have a consistent message
  • It’ll save you time

Our Customizable calendar would help you make your social media active and help grow your market

Contains features such as:

  • Twitter character counter
  • Tweet length alert
  • Allows you to plan your messages across four platforms – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can also incorporate hashtags and trending words
  • National and international holidays with their official hashtags – all updated for 2022
  • We have also added a space for you to insert your blog titles and plan for them. This is a content repository for blog posts that always perform well on social, despite seasonality.
  • When you realize a blog is doing so well, just break it down and insert it into your content calendar.

This can be customised to suit your business. For example, you may want to remove the Instagram columns and insert Pinterest for example.

Your FREE social media content calendar

At RONEL, we want to make your life as easy as possible, so we’ve created a content calendar for you so you can get started planning straight away.

Complete the form to download the calendar and get updated when there Is something new.

How to use our social media content calendar

Make sure you have a clear plan of action:

  1. Decide what you want to promote, e.g. a product launch, an event, an achievement, advice
  2. Decide when you want to promote your content, and on which networks
  3. Prepare your content, e.g. copy, image, video, link
  4. Prepare any pages that your social posts link through to, e.g. landing pages
  5. Populate your content calendar
  6. Check your results against your targets and make adjustments if necessary

Using a social media content calendar this way allows you to plan your content months in advance, have multiple team members work on your content (increased accountability) and review it anytime.

This would increase your followers and make them engaging as well.

If you need help with your social media don’t hesitate to contact us.