Logo Design and Branding. What’s the difference? 

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Logo design and branding. What’s the difference? In the world of business and marketing, terms like “logo design” and “branding” are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their distinct roles and purposes.

At times, these terms are mistakenly considered synonymous. Nonetheless, while they share a close relationship and must complement each other seamlessly, they represent distinct processes.

Logo definition

A logo functions as a visual representation of a company, product, service, or any public or private entity. It acts as the face of the brand, instantly recognizable and memorable to consumers. In a competitive landscape full of graphic elements vying for attention daily, a logo serves as a means to differentiate a brand. Typically, a logo comprises typographic elements, graphics or symbols, and colors, forming a vital component of a brand’s visual identity.

For example, the  JobAdHub  logo

JobAdHub logo

JobAdhub is a job site that connects job seekers and recruiters by accurately matching candidate profiles to the relevant job openings in Ghana.

They redesigned their logo in  2023 and have introduced the most minimalistic version of their visual identity. 

Brand Definition

While a logo is an important visual element of branding, it is just one component of a broader concept known as branding. Branding encompasses the entire customer experience and perception of a company, extending beyond visual elements to include emotions, values, and relationships. This combination of physical and emotional cues is triggered when exposed to all the touchpoints between a person and a specific brand. These touchpoints can include the brand name, logo, products, visual identity, staff, advertising, and more

Branding can involve various tools and strategies. Some key elements used in branding strategies include:

– Defining the brand

– Crafting a brand positioning statement

– Establishing a brand identity

– Utilizing advertising and communications

JobAdHub branded souvenirs
JobAdHub Branded cards


Upon viewing the logo, and if you have some familiarity with the brand, certain images and emotions may be evoked, resembling the photo collage depicted above. However, due to JobAdhub’s branding strategy, the overall perception of the brand should closely align with that of the general population.

What’s the difference between logo design and branding?

Logo design is about making a visual symbol for a company, product, or service. Its main job is to create a logo that people recognize and remember. The logo acts like the face of the brand, making it stand out from other brands. 

On the other hand, branding includes more than just the logo. It’s about how customers feel about the brand, what the brand stands for, and the experiences they have with it. The goal of branding is to make the brand unique and to influence how people think and feel about it. 

Logo and Branding: which comes first?

Your logo should be designed to further your branding identity, so your branding should come first Think of your logo as a result of your brand decisions. So, start by figuring out what kind of brand you want.

The best way to do that is by focusing on who you’re trying to reach. Your branding shouldn’t just be what you like or what sounds cool. It’s about connecting with the people who will use your product or service. So, you need to know who they are and what they like.

Once you understand your audience, you can shape your brand identity accordingly. It’s all about using what you know about your audience to create a brand that speaks to them.

The importance of a logo for branding purposes

The importance of a logo for branding purposes cannot be overstated. While it’s just one aspect of branding, a logo tends to feature prominently across various touchpoints with customers and stakeholders. These touchpoints include the website, brochures, stationery, products, packaging, advertisements, uniforms, stores, and more.

Here are some key reasons why a logo is crucial for branding:

  1. A logo acts as a brand’s visual identity, often serving as the initial point of contact for customers. A well-crafted logo establishes a distinct visual representation, ensuring the brand is easily recognizable and memorable.
  2. A logo helps consumers differentiate a brand from its competitors. It provides a unique identifier that helps consumers identify and remember the brand amidst a sea of options.
  3. A professionally designed logo conveys professionalism, reliability, and trustworthiness. This reassures customers that they are dealing with a reputable and established brand, which can lead to increased trust and loyalty. 
  4. A logo provides consistency across various communication channels and touchpoints, including websites, social media, packaging, and advertising. 
  5. Logos have the power to evoke emotions and associations in consumers’ minds. A well-designed logo can communicate the brand’s personality, values, and story, fostering an emotional connection with customers. A good logo design will help enhance people’s memory of your organization and how it makes them feel. If the feeling is positive, whether the person is a potential client, employee, or provider, the logo will contribute to his/her emotional connection with the brand, amongst the other elements of your branding strategy. 


A logo design is about making a picture for the brand, but branding is about how people feel about the brand overall. A good logo is important, but it’s just part of the bigger picture. When businesses understand this difference, they can create brand strategies that connect with their customers.

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